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Rethinking Global Mobilization

by Ryan Shaw

“Biblical, visionary, and prophetic, Rethinking Global Mobilization is a powerful paradigm shift for your local church.” – Rev. David P. Jacob, Trinity Bible College

It’s Time to Re-Think

What comes to mind when you think of mission mobilization? 

What if God had a broader, comprehensive purpose to educate, inspire and activate His whole, global Church with His vision of the Great Commission? What if mobilization referred to the entire process of enabling the whole, global Church to express her core corporate identity as God’s multiplying, reproducing people? 

These key issues are what Ryan Shaw’s new book, Rethinking Global Mobilization, brings attention to.

Key Endorsements

What people are saying about Rethinking Global Mobilization

“What a gift to the global mission community! Ryan Shaw has produced a compelling text that is biblically sound, intellectually stimulating and champions missionary ecclesiology as foundational to mission mobilization. His emphasis on the biblical mission mandate and priority of unreached peoples is a timely remedy to the Church increasingly viewing everything as mission. “

Dr. Thuo Mburu

Mission Leader and Senior Pastor, Christ Is the Answer Ministries (CITAM)

“Ryan Shaw has written a masterpiece. Rethinking Global Mobilization is a much-awaited book. As a leader from the global South, we have seen firsthand the limitations of current mission mobilization efforts, resulting in frustration. The total mobilization of the whole church has been burning in our hearts for a while and I am very grateful for this book”

Ray Mensah

President, Ghana Evangelical Missions Association (GEMA)

“With the rise of the majority world mission movement, a comprehensive book on mission mobilization has finally arrived under a new missionary paradigm. Rethinking Global Mobilization dynamically combines biblical truth, historical analysis, missiological insights, and practical application as God’s people are sent and scattered into the world with the Gospel.”

David Ro

Regional Director - East Asia, Lausanne Movement

“Ryan Shaw has done what no other writer previously has—providing the Church with a theology of mission mobilization. Journeying through all of Scripture, he has laid the groundwork and justification for mission mobilization today. Shaw reminds us of the truth that mobilization is the fuel of the mission movement itself (while) explaining the importance of mission mobilization movements.”

Dr. Marvin J. Newell

Executive Director, Alliance for the Unreached

“This volume provides a thorough study of mission mobilization, bringing together conversations of the biblical foundation of mission with missionary practice through the ages. Attuned to the work of the Holy Spirit, Rethinking Global Mobilization presents a generation of missiological reflection on dynamic changes in the missionary movement.”

Dr. Douglas McConnell

Provost Emeritus and Senior Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary

“Ryan Shaw is a mobilizer of mobilizers! This book is the outgrowth of a life dedicated to spurring the global Church to radical obedience and the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this generation. Prepare to have your head and heart rearranged and redirected toward the person and worldwide purposes of Jesus Christ. You’ve been warned!”

Steve Shadrach

Global Ambassador, Center For Mission Mobilization

“The Church is stepping into a new landscape of global mission. This new season demands new approaches and new perspectives in fulfilling the Great Commission. Rethinking Global Mobilization offers exactly theseThis is written for mission mobilizers like you.”

Dr. Bambang Budijanto

General Secretary, Asia Evangelical Alliance

“Ryan Shaw expertly sets out the premise that nothing short of global mobilization will inspire the global church to engage the Great Commission. In fact, every Christian has a part in this global task and every culture has something unique to bring to it.”

Dr Todd Johnson

Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

“Nothing excites me more than to see the global church awakening to our God-given mission. Ryan Shaw has been on the leading edge of this final great wave of mission mobilization. I don’t know anyone better positioned to point the way.”

Steve Richardson

President, Pioneers USA

Purchase the Book

Rethinking Global Mobilization by Ryan Shaw is available on Amazon in both a traditional printed version and a Kindle version.
Get the book today. And be sure to spread the word.

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Meet the Author

Get to know author Ryan Shaw and the vision behind Rethinking Global Mobilization

Ryan Shaw is International Lead Facilitator of Global Mission Mobilization Initiative (GMMI), a resourcing ministry equipping the church for missions through practical tools, teaching, training & strategies. He has traveled to over 65 nations and is the author of twelve global ministry mobilization books and Bible studies, including Spiritual Equipping for Mission: Thriving As God’s Message Bearers. He and his family live in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where GMMI has its Global Mobilization Institute.

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Ryan Shaw
Chiang Mai, Thailand